Towards Opulence, the Opera is part of an ongoing act of creative resistance and imaginative reclamation. Skywatchers believe that Tenderloin residents, and other marginalized people, are the truth tellers of our society, akin to the mythical Cassandras. By breathing life into often overlooked or discredited truths, we remember our interdependence and expose the roots of power and oppression. Towards Opulence invites us to conjure and claim our most audacious and glorious selves and step into a future where we truly belong to each other.
This is an ADA-accessible venue.
ASL Interpretation offered on Saturday, Feb 8 only.
Live Audio Description and Haptic Access Tours by Gravity Access Services for visually-impaired audience members on Sunday, Feb 9 only. Haptic tour begins at 2 pm.
Haptic Tour and audio description headset reservations: To reserve a headset for audio description, please select RSVP w/ Audio Description Headset Reservation on Eventbrite. Or call the EastSide Arts Alliance Box Office, MWF 11-5 pm - 510-533-6629.
Tickets: Free. Registration required.